Sewing For Kindergarten Blog Tour
Here in Florida, school starts with Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten or as 99% of people refer to it, VPK. It's basically all about teaching them how to write their letters and numbers. It makes sure that when the real deal gets here, they are ready. The fact that my four (almost 5) year old can already write her name is amazing to me. My heart keeps screaming that there's no way she's old enough for that. For real, I can't cope.
If you have any young girls around this age, you are probably very familiar with the Disney film Moana. My girls probably watch it once a day and try to insist we play the soundtrack in the car everywhere we go. Both my girls will proudly

I swear her with her little backpack kill me! It swallows her and looks adorable. I also included some Bow Tie Leggings (sans bow ties) under her dress to keep her modest while she plays. In hindsight, I should have made the shorter version, but they do what they need to which is cover her.

This obviously does not show off her clothes, but what is a first day of school post without the honorary #momshot. And yes, my almost five year only really is only 32.8 pounds. She's a tiny little thing. Anytime I shop ready to wear for her, I remember why I choose to make all her clothes.

Now if you think I could have gotten away with only making one Moana dress, you are mistaken. Baby sister had to have one too despite not going to school this year.

Once we got to the classroom, Bella was so excited about all the toys that she barely said goodbye to me. I expected tears, and I got them. They just weren't from Bella. Yes, I'm that typical cry-on-the-first-day-of-school mom. Don't judge me. If I am being completely honest, her dad confessed to me later that day he got a little teary-eyed too. (Sorry, honey! I just outed you on the internet!)

Apparently, Bella going to school made the whole family sad. Baby sister Lilly was so sad. Soon, little one. Your day will be here soon. And mom will probably cry for that one too.