Sell Clothes on Etsy: Featured Boutique Lindley Lou's & GIVEAWAY

Sell Clothes on Etsy

We started this series a couple weeks ago and it was a hit, so we are doing it again! I know a lot of seamstresses are interested in selling clothes on Etsy, but they aren't quite sure how to go about it. The best way to find out more is to talk to other shop owners.

Featuring Lindley Lou's Boutique

This week we have Lindley of Lindley Lou's boutique.  I was so excited to sit down with her and learn more about her shop as well as get a few tips she might have for other shop owners. Lindley's style is full of fresh colors and lace details. Learn more about her boutique below:

Sell Clothes on Etsy

What is your Shop Name:

Lindley Lou's

What is Your Shop Link?

How Long Have You Been Selling on Etsy:

I began selling handmade bows in 2010, so almost 6 years!

What is Your Best Selling Item:

My best selling item has to be custom nursery sets.

What is Your Favorite Thing to Make for Etsy:

Oh gosh, that's a hard one! I have too many favorites! The Sweet Lilly Pintuck Dress is one that is so beautiful and timeless, that one is one of my absolute favorites!

What is your Best Tip for someone wanting to get started selling on Etsy:

Find what you love to make and stick with it! You will be amazed at how much your craftsmanship can grow in a short amount of time.

Sell Clothes on Etsy

Tell Me Your Funniest Etsy Story:

In the beginning, Etsy didn't have these neat options for sizes and colors. I listed a car seat cover and at the bottom of the listing, I asked the buyer to specify what print in the note to seller area upon checkout. She requested the, "damask print." It was a local order and I met the lady to give her a sweet damask car seat cover set. As I explained how to put it on the car seat and handed her the bag she asked, "this is cute... But, what is this?" While handing her bag back to me. I panicked!! I could feel my face turning red thinking I had met the wrong customer in our local Target parking lot! As it turns out, I had pictures of TWO different damask prints in my listing and I did not realize. She wanted one print and I made the other. Thankfully, she was very sweet about it and allowed me to meet up with her the next day with the correct damask print.

Tell Me One of Your Favorite Customer Stories:

I love to see my items being worn or displayed in a nursery. It makes me happy to know the items I have created are liked by my customers! To have that reassurance by getting a great Etsy review or a tag on Facebook, it's great! It really makes this momma happy!

What is your most Challenging Thing About Running an Etsy Shop?

My most challenging thing would have to be time management. My husband and I are renovating our home and I have had to move my sewing room upstairs, then downstairs (to be closer to our little ones), and we have just talked about possibly moving everything back upstairs to renovate my current sewing space. Between three kids ages 4, 2, and 1 I can still find time to make it work and do what I love.

Sell Clothes on Etsy
Favorite BSD Design you sell in your shop with a link:

Sweet Lilly Pintuck Dress.

I think one of the best things about an Etsy boutique, is you get to make money doing what you love. And that's the ultimate dream, right? To do what you love and get paid for it?  Thanks so much to Lindley for sharing her boutique with us.  If you want to open your own store on Etsy, you can sign up through this link and get 40 free shop listings.


Lindley graciously decided to give away a handmade skirt made from our very own Isabella's Banded Skirt Pattern!  You can win by entering the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Do you own or know of an amazing Etsy store you would like to nominate for this series? If so, let us know by contacting us!
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