Reagan Raglan Sew Along Day 3~ Adding Sleeves
We're starting slow and simple here with sleeves. First, take note of the markings you transferred from the paper pieces to your sleeve and bodice pieces. The bodice front and sleeve front should have one marking and the back pieces should have 2. Pin the front sleeve to the front bodice right sides together and sew. Do this for both sides. Then repeat for the back pieces, making sure you line up the double markings. When you're done, you should have something like this. Sleeves attached and sides open.I know this is knit and so will not fray, but I have a little tip anyway. Always finish your edges if you aren't using a serger. It will give your piece a more polished look and add somewhat to the stability of the garment. I've finished mine with an overlock stitch in white so it's less noticeable, but here's a close-up.
That's it for today! Easy, right? Tomorrow is the tricky bit, so don't forget to come back for helpful tips on a perfect v-neck finish! Also, if you haven't gotten you pattern yet, here is where you can find the Ladies and Kids versions. And don't forget to visit the Facebook group for the code to make them free! And to add your progress to the comments of today's picture in the sew along album! See you tomorrow!
(Here's the schedule again too)