Today we have Create 3.5 and Young Whimsy, two crazy talented seamstresses who have generously agreed to share their Holiday Cutout results with us! Are you ready to see what they made? Let's go!
On to our first stop of today's Holiday Cutout blog tour...

Meriel Aho of Create 3.5 is a busy mom of 3-under-4, sewing for her kids and blogging when she can find the time! She created this top with a heart cutout for her younger daughter. The crazy colorful print pairs with her daughter's goofy personality perfectly! It's so bright and happy! Take a look at what she made here.

Young Whimsy blog is dedicated to the creative interests of photographer and seamstress, Bethany Butler. Bethany is a wife, and mother of 4 young children. Young Whimsy blog is where she writes about everything from sewing, crafting, home decor, DIYs, and homeschooling. Bethany is super excited to get to be a part of Bella Sunshine Design's blog tour. Check out her post!
We're nearing the end of our tour now, but make sure you check back tomorrow when we stop at House of Estrela & Huckleberry Love! They have some pretty amazing creations up their sleeves to share with you all!
Are you enjoying the tour? If so, please drop a comment below! We love hearing from our fans/customers!