We have THREE bloggers for you to check out today: Candice Ayala, Keep Calm & Carrion & Felt with Love Designs.

Candice is a wife and mommy of two. She is a lover of all things pink, mermaid, vintage, and crafty. Her greatest joy comes from sewing for her daughter who happens to be her biggest inspiration. She now uses her blog, Candice Ayala, to catalogue all her sewing and crafty creations. Check out her post here.

Keep Calm and Carrion is written by Alyssa. A former MP officer turned stay at home mom, she spends most of her time sewing for or running around after her two kids, Inara and Connor. You'll find lots of pattern reviews and sewing for both kids and adults on her blog, all in a chatty, down to earth voice.

Felt With Love Designs started as a place to share the fun and creative toys and activities Alicia designs for her daughter. Her favorite toys to design are finger puppets, quiet book pages, and softies. While designing toys of all kinds is still her main passion, the site has morphed into so much more since its debut. In addition to inspiration for DIY toys, she also loves to share some of the clothing she sews for her daughter, upcycling projects (upcycling “old” clothes is a favorite!), holiday projects and traditions, kid-friendly crafts, children’s book reviews/recommendations, and various other odds and ends she sews as gifts for family and friends.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! That's all for today. Tomorrow's stops are Create 3.5 and Young Whimsy, so be sure to check back.