5 Fun Ways to Use Your Seemingly Useless Scraps
1. Matching Hair Accessories!

One super fun and easy thing to do with scraps are to make fun hair accessories! If you're sewing for a little girl, there's nothing better than having a little hair bow to match the outfit. And you can use ANY type of fabric to make these happen! (Don't let my stitching throw you off... I used a contrasting thread so you could see what I was doing.)
To make a bow, just take 2 small rectangles of fabric (roughly 3x4" or bigger, if you'd like), sew them together, leaving a 1.5-2" hole on one long side for turning. Flip and press. Stitch the opening closed either by hand or really close to the edge. Cut another rectangle roughly 2" square. Fold in half and press. unfold and fold raw edges into the crease. Close it up with the raw edges inside and press. Sew down both sides. Fold the strip so that the raw edges are together and sew. Flip the seam to the inside, insert the fabric rectangle you sewed first into the ring you just created to for your bow. A few hand stitches from the backside to secure it all together and the bow is done! Just hot glue it to a clip or barrette and you're good to go!
2. Appliques!
Whether you have an embroidery machine or not, you can create fun applique designs to add some pizzaz to your creations. It's a fun way to personalize, have fun, and use up some scraps!
3. Zippered Coin/Pencil Pouches!

Unlined zipper pouches are so easy and versatile! All you need is 2 fabric scraps (preferably woven) the same size and a zipper the same size or longer than the fabric.
First, place one piece of fabric right side down on top of the zipper, matching the raw edge of the fabric with the raw edge of the zipper tape (fabric should be covering the zipper completely). Stitch in place and finish the edges. Open the fabric out and press the fabric and seam away from the zipper carefully. Repeat with the other piece of fabric on the other zipper edge. Top stitch the seam allowance to the fabric if desired. Fold the pouch shut with right sides together and the zipper along the top edge (unzipped 3/4 of the way). Pin the fabric edges together, making sure everything matches up. Sew the 3 sides without the zipper. Clip your corners and finish the edges. Trim the zipper if needed. turn your pouch right side out through the zipper opening and you're done!
4. Neck and Arm Bands!
If you sew with knits, hang on to those long skinny scraps! You never know when they might make the PERFECT neckbands or armbands for a shirt or dress. And less waste is nice too... especially with how pricey some knits can be.
5. Plushie Tree Ornaments!

Handmade holiday decorations are the best! Cute and personal, they make great gifts or decorations for your own tree. You can use any type of fabric you have laying around. And kids can have so much fun helping you pick the prints and ribbons to use together to make them!
Here's what you need. Fabric scraps 3x3" or larger (depending on how big you want your tree), ribbon scraps (both wide 7/8"+ and skinny 1/4"), polyfil or tiny scraps for stuffing.
First, make a template for your tree that will fit the scraps you have. Cut 2 identical triangles from the scraps. Place triangles right sides together with a loop of the skinny ribbon at the top point in between them and on the inside of your tree. Sew the top 2 sides. Clip the corner and turn right side out. The ribbon should be at the top and ready for hanging. Stuff your tree with polyfil or smaller scraps enough to be puffy, but not too full. Take the wide ribbon and a short length of it in half with the cut ends together. This will form your tree's trunk. Fold the raw edges of your tree to the inside, place your trunk where you want it and pin everything in place. Edge stitch the bottom edge of your tree together, making sure you catch both bottom pieces and the ribbon as well. That's it! Baby tree decoration!
I hope you've enjoyed these little scrap busting projects and will try a few of them out! If you do, please share in the comments below! We'd love to hear about them! In the meantime, Happy Crafting!