Clear Elastic and the Sahara
The most important places to add clear elastic to Sahara are to the shoulder seams and to the waist seam. Also, for the adult version (especially for those with larger breasts) you will want clear elastic in the armhole on sleeveless options. I will say, that this isn't strictly necessary in the smaller child's sizes, but the larger it gets, the more the elastic will help. Since we start with the shoulders in the pattern, that's where I'll start here!

Grab your bodice pieces and elastic. We're going to cut a piece of elastic to the with of the shoulder seam. Figure out whether you will be pressing the seam to the front or back and plan to sew the elastic to the opposite side. I.e. If you're pressing the seam to the back, you want to sew your elastic to the side with the front bodice piece.

Now, you have an option. You can either mark the seam or eyeball it. You want the clear elastic to lay so that it is centered over the stitch line. Then you sew.

Once you have your elastic on both shoulder pieces press the seams from the right side of the garment. (This prevents heat from damaging the elastic.) If you placed your elastic on the opposite side as stated above, it should lay nice and flat without being folded.
Skirt Elastic
When attaching the skirt, you will use the same method described above. I place my elastic on the skirt side because I like my seam to press up towards the bodice.
Armhole Elastic
I hate to say there isn't a "flat" way to sew the armhole elastic. So my best advice there is this: Try to get thinner elastic that will fold easily. The thicker stuff is a little more difficult to get to lay right once everything is all closed up (but not impossible!). You'll still want to sew it through the center like in the other instances, so it will be folding on that seam.I really hope this helps to clear up some Sahara confusion for you all! If you have further questions please feel free to leave a comment below, ask in our Facebook group, or message our Facebook page directly!