Adaline Sew Along Day 4: Attach the Lining and Complete the Sleeves
How are all the Adaline dresses coming along? If you're just tuning into the sew along now, here is where you can find Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3.Today we will be attaching the lining to the main bodice and completing the sleeves that we began yesterday. We will be following steps 8-16 in the pattern tutorial.
Attach the Lining
Attach the lining following steps 8-10.Be sure to clip the neck curve and trim the corners before turning right side out and pressing.

Complete the Sleeves
Complete the sleeves following steps 11-16. The elastic length chart can be found on page 11.
When sewing around each sleeve the first time, don't forget to leave an opening through which to thread the elastic later. If you cannot seem to sew your hems from the outside as depicted in the pattern, here is a visual for how to sew them from the inside of the sleeves.

I recommend investing in a bodkin for threading your elastics. It is an amazing and simple tool that completely changed the ease with which I thread elastics! Safety pins always caused me grief when threading elastics.

Now is a good time to try the bodice on your child to check the fit.

That’s it for today! Please post a picture like the one above on the Day 4 thread in the Facebook group in order to demonstrate completion of today's steps and participate. Check back in tomorrow for Day 5! We will be making the highly anticipated pockets!