10 Things Only a Seamstress Can Understand

10 Things Only a Seamstress Can Understand - Man I can relate to a lot of these since I started sewing!

I never realized it, but apparently us creative types think differently than the rest of the world. For some reason I cannot understand, the rest of the world doesn't get excited over $2 a yard fleece fabric or finding the perfect buttons for the dress you are making. This sparked a thought... what other things can only a seamstress understand?

10 Things Only a Seamstress Can Understand

10 Things Only a Seamstress Can Understand - Man I can relate to a lot of these since I started sewing!

1. The fear of someone else using your sewing scissors for something other than fabric.

You know that panic you get when you see your husband use your prized Gingher sewing scissors
to cut the tag off his new shirt? Its the feeling you have right before you think of all the different ways you might retaliate for this horrendous offence.

2. The problem of having thread, EVERYWHERE!

You stand in line at the grocery store. You happen to glance down at your shirt and realize that your shirt looks like it was attacked by a thread spool.  Apparently this is a problem that only happens to seamstresses.

10 Things Only a Seamstress Can Understand - Man I can relate to a lot of these since I started sewing!

3. The feeling of pure satisfaction when you finish your project right before the bobbin runs out.

You won. You showed that bobbin thread who was boss!

10 Things Only a Seamstress Can Understand - Man I can relate to a lot of these since I started sewing!

4. The love hate relationship you have with your seam ripper.

Your dear, beloved seam ripper.  She is there for you in your time of need, but you wish you didn't need her quite so often.

5. The feeling of pride when a complete stranger says they like something you've made.

Who is amazing?  YOU are amazing!

6. The feeling of elation when you tell that complete stranger that you made the item they are ogling over.

Not only do you know that you are amazing, now THEY know that you're amazing.  Just give them a few moments to pick their jaw off the floor so they can bask in your amazingness.

10 Things Only a Seamstress Can Understand - Man I can relate to a lot of these since I started sewing!

7. The joy of getting a new sewing machine/serger/sewing tool.

You've been drooling over it forever! And now it's here!  Yippee!!

8. Feeling like a little kid at Christmas when that custom fabric you ordered finally shows up in the mail.

Because you only ordered it what feels like 5 million years ago. Now to wash it and fold it up all pretty so you can stare at it on your fabric stash until you finally get brave enough to cut into it (which by the way, that may never happen.)

9. The annoyance when you see something sold in the stores that was made in china and the stripes don't match.

Ugh. How can anyone not be annoyed by that?

10 Things Only a Seamstress Can Understand - Man I can relate to a lot of these since I started sewing!

10. The confidence that you get when you make your stripes (or pattern) match.

That's because you can sew like a boss!

Did I forget one?? What else are thoughts that only seamstresses have? Let me know in the comments and your response might make a future list!
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